Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Notes app

September 28 

Carol gave us a tour of the Notes app. The icon on your Home Screen looks like the yellow legal pad of our working days. 

Review Settings > Notes for options you might want to change. 

Open Notes app.  Top right corner has buttons to explore - from right edge to left: New Note, ( ... ), Markup, Camera and Checklist. 

Begin your tour at right edge: ( ... ) is a hodgepodge of tools: Share, Send, Move, Pin, format page with grid, and print. 

Markup is a tool for drawing and appears in Notes, Photos, Messages and Mail. You've gotta play with this feature! 

Camera can scan documents and scan text from a document to add as text to your note! Awesome feature! 

Notes includes an option to create folders and organize relates notes together. So you can browse your folders for related content. Or use the Search feature to find related notes. Now there is something new - hashtags. 

Hashtags are all the rage and look like #travel or #ipadbasics. No space between the # and the words. Tags are searchable from Spotlight Search and in an app like Notes, Files and others. The beauty of a tag is that content is separate from use. The #travel in a note with "travel checklist" as title is redundant. But adding #ipadbasics in the travel checklist is a way to find example notes to share with our class.