Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Fall 2023 - Think About It!

Hey! Get together with a few friends and think about offering a "Discover your iPhone" or "Now you have an iPad - what to do with it" fall semester sessions. Think of FOUR or SIX meetings and what you might share. Members are curious about iPads and iPhone and are excited to learn more. The past team would be available to answer your presentation preparation questions. 

iOS Basics has been offered on campus and via Zoom with this website as a resource. You might want to offer content through email lessons (that's what Carol does with Android Basics). You and your team get to design the activity in the way that make sense to you and your audience.  

Application to Teach for the Fall semester opens April 3rd and closes May 1st. You must be a current Renaissance Society member to offer a Seminar or SIG in the fall.