
Hints for using this website/blog: First, links to other online resources are marked with a green highlight. Second, on any page you can do a word search (on a Mac: Command+F; on iPhone/iPad tap Share button then Find on Page and type word/s then use ⩟  ⩡ to see hits.) Third, navigating a sequence of steps is shown like this: one > two > three > four ... 

You have a Sacramento Public Library Card, right? And the PIN to let you borrow books and audiobooks online. Well, there is more to the service offered online. The Digital Library will open many doors for you for ebooks, magazines, movies and more.  (link revised 8/18/21) But don't stop there - the Library offers Classes & Tutorials for self-paced learning through LinkedIn online classes (link revised 10/12/22).  This online learning platform offers extensive curriculum with short video lessons and allows for personal note taking. Topics for beginners to advanced users. 

Zoom Guides for RenSoc Members

Check your device for these apps:

Smartphone Photography - handout from workshop on 10/1/2018

Watch this page for new app additions ...  

Apple Support YouTube Channel 

Apple Support Communities - Learn, share, and get recognized in the Apple Support Community this is a space where all members feel comfortable to ask and answer questions. 

Public Library access via Libby, by OverDrive - access books, magazines, Great Courses, audiobooks and more. Update your Public Library Card and ask your Librarians for help in accessing this and other online resources! This is a free alternative to Apple News+.

Do you know about MacNexus the Sacramento Apple Technology User Group? Annual membership is $40 per year. Since March 2020 meetings have been held via Zoom. Sound familiar? This is a place to get help, learn more about your iPhone, iPad and Mac computers. 

At a recent MacNexus meeting several links were shared: 

GCFGlobal - iPhone Basics (iOS 12). This site features many tutorials with screen shots on features of your iPhone and iPad. 

iPhoneLIFE offers daily email tips and online classes at $10/month and their website is full of FREE-TO-READ articles.

ScreenCastsOnline membership - offers 7-day free trial - weekly tutorials and video tutorials. 

Apple Video Guides (not affiliated with Apple) offers inexpensive 30 minute beginner video guides on Apple Watch, iPad and iPhone. Check the table of contents to see what you know from our seminars and what you might learn from AVG. Be sure you are paying for the latest releases for the current operating systems. Watch the videos over and over or download for high quality version. 

NMUG - Naples Mac User Group originates in Naples, Florida and has members from countries around the world. The Wednesday morning (8:30 am live) weekly presentations on many topics are recorded and the link sent to members each week, classes at additional cost offered January-March on Saturdays and a discussion board is included. Annual membership is $30, each class is $20. 

Ellen's Tips for iOS - Help for Mature Adults