Friday, October 25, 2013

iPhone Basics 10-25-13

Nancy's lessons today centered around (Settings) Notifications, Sounds and the Calendar app available as a PDF file. 


Friday, October 11, 2013

iPad Basics #3 - Email on iPad

Patty Quinn lead this critical activity to reveal ...

The Email Function on the iPAD

Before going to the Mail icon, let’s take a quick look at some of the settings pertinent to the Mail function:

Go to Settings from Home page, Select “Mail, Contacts, Calendars
See the Accounts and Mail items.

ACCOUNTS – You may have one or more email accounts (e.g.  iCloud & Gmail)

Add Account - this is where you link your iPad to your email account if you already have an account, or add a new email account.   

FETCH NEW DATA – I have “Push” on – automatically grabs new emails and displays on your screen when your email is updated. With Push off, you can manually fetch your email or set it to fetch every so often. Recommend having “Push” on.

MAIL SETTINGS:  Investigate what each setting does - Preview, etc.

Email “signature” – establish a standard “signature” and parting words on your email here.


Tap the “Mail” icon on the home screen to access your email messages.

Put the screen in “Landscape” mode by turning it. It presents an easier format to use all of the features.

Review the labels on the Top Left Side of Screen: Displays emails for account chosen (i.e. iCloud, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) – See the 3 words at topMailboxes, iCloud, and Edit.

§  Middle word – iCloud – it is (for me) one of the 2 Email Accounts I have set up. Sometimes it can be advantageous to have more than one, using one for all advertisements and potential junk mail and another more secure one for family, friends, and personal dealings.

§  Mailboxes – there are several standard mailboxes you will routinely use -  Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Junk, Trash – review them

§  Set up VIP mailbox, and/or Flagged and Attachments as separate mailboxes. Start at main “Mailboxes” (at top of left column) screen.  VIP, Flagged and Attachments are generic labels that can be applied to email from all accounts (if you have more than one).  Tap on “Edit” - see list of several to choose from. Check next to Flagged and Attachments to have those emails with Flags or Attachments grouped in the related mailbox. Check “ VIP” to set up a separate mailbox for those special people in your life. Tap on “add VIP” and type in their names and email addresses. You can also select VIPS from your contacts. Once VIP’s are set-up, tap the “circled i” to see your list and add or delete VIP’s.

§  Creating additional mailboxes can help you organize your emails if desired. Practice - Let’s set up one called Coupons and Discounts.  Do so by tapping on “Edit”, (from left side column titled Mailboxes) then “new Mailbox” (at bottom on left side). Type in the Name of your new mailbox and “Save” or “Cancel” if you change your mind.  Note that if you have more than one email account, select the account first, then “edit”, then tap New Mailbox at bottom of the screen.

§  Tap “Done” after adding, back to list of Mailboxes. Tap done again if no more changes.

§  Note that tapping on a word in blue will complete an action step or take you to another action option. If not sure of what you got yourself into, you can always tap cancel.

Reading your emails:

§  Select Inbox to see emails received. The blue dot indicates it is unread.

§  Tap on the email you want to see on right side of screen.

§  Review the icons on upper right and how to use themFlag, File, Trash, Reply or Forward, Compose a new email.

§  Scroll down to see more emails, once in an email make larger using two finger spread, pinch to resize etc.

§  Talk about what is a thread. Threads are related emails. You can “organize by threads” by turning that function on in Settings.

§  Use the “search” box (top-left under mailbox description) to find  a particular email by name, or subject or key word. Have option to start search in the current mailbox and expand to All Mailboxes if not found.  

§  Use the Edit function on the list of emails on the left side to Mark, Move, or Trash. Must select which of the emails to take action on 1st, then the action. Can select all or individual emails.
o   Delete an email, go to Trash mailbox and “Move” it back to your inbox.
o   Select an email with a coupon or discount and move it to the “coupon” mailbox we set up earlier.
o   To really delete an email, access the Trash mailbox, review for anything you want to save. If there are none to save, you can tap “edit”, then “Delete All”. DO NOT DO THIS without being sure you don’t want to save anything in Trash. You can always “Move” and email from the trash back into your inbox.

§  Update the list of emails, by pulling down with 1 finger just above 1st email shown. Note at bottom that it tells you when last updated.

§  Review the vertical display of emails and the differences. This view eliminates left side clutter if want to focus on a specific email. See navigation arrows up and down at top of screen to view other messages.  Can swipe left to right to see list of emails, again to change mailboxes, etc. Tap on right side somewhere to eliminate left column view.

§  Attachments in an email – some attachments, like pictures are displayed in body of email; some must be accessed by tapping on box – e.g. a PDF document.

CREATE A NEW EMAIL:  Tap box with pen – Upper Right Corner

§  Describe how to use to, cc, bcc, + button.

§  Putting in a Subject is good.

§  Typing tips – auto capitalization, auto correct, auto insert words – be careful what you may end up with – always proof read your emails before sending. Note that you can delete typed test using back arrow with an X. The built in iPad keyboard has no forward delete like you may be used to on your PC or Mac.  

§  Repositioning the cursor.

§  Add a standard signature in Settings – can remove the sent from my iPAD if desired.

§  Create a draft, save it, send it later.

§  Find your draft later in the “draft” mailbox. 


IPAD Guide – download from the App Store – Free

SCOTutor – Short narrated videos on almost everything. Get at App Store for $1.99. Is not necessarily updated for iOS7 but it is still very helpful because a lot of things have only changed slightly.

Buy the “Missing Manual for iPAD”. Get at Amazon, iTunes, other book stores. It is very good, simply stated instructions on how to use your device. Cost is approx. $16.

Other on campus help – Trouble Shooting Sessions every other week at 9:30 – 11:00 – Eureka 105 – Pac Polin. You can also send an email to for Pac to describe your problem, set-up an appointment or get an email response.

Come to Noontime Topics class 12:00 – 12:45 in Mariposa 1000

iPhone Meeting #3 - Photos and more

Nancy's Outline for iPhone as a Phone + (big + as in more than a brick that makes calls)
Review this outline and the PDF of her presentation to jog your memory of activities in class.
The presentation includes many screenshots to focus your attention on the features.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

iPhone Meeting #2 9-27-2013

The presentation is a 3.5 MB PDF with lots of screen shots so you can follow along on these topics:

  • Review our first meeting
  • Call Management
  • iCloud and Find My iPhone
  • Settings and Notifications

Dear iPhone Fans,

It was good to see such a good turnout for our second session, and welcome to those who joined us for the first time.  I hope we got everyone set up with WiFi and links to the Renaissance Society website and the Apple Support Group blog.  It is important that you set up the Apple Support Group blog as a link on your Home screen since this is the way we will record attendance at each session, and it is your link to many resources that will help you learn more about the full range of functions on your iPhone.  In case you do not have the link yet, here is how to do it:

- Tap the Safari icon (looks like a compass) and type in the Search section:, then tap Go
- You will be directed to the blog.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap View Web Version
- Once in the web version, tap the Share icon (the box with the arrow)
- You will see several icons; tap Add to Home Screen
- You will see a title for the link; you can use the default title or type in one of your own
- Then tap Add (at the top of the screen), and the Blog icon will appear on your home screen.

More Resources:  iPad/iPhone Website

On the Apple Support Group page, scroll down the right hand column until you find Visit the iPad and iPhone Basics website anytime.  Tap on the highlighted words to go the the website.  You can download this link to your Home Screen by following the same process that you did for the Apple Support Group blog (described above).  Copies of the presentations from the Basics sessions are posted on this site.

Closing Open Web Pages

Some of you had trouble with the Search section automatically entering another web page address.  You can close any active webpages by tapping the icon at the bottom of the screen that looks like two stacked sheets of paper.  All the webpages you have open will appear, and you can delete any by tapping the X in the upper left hand corner or each webpage.


Be sure to set up your current email accounts on you iPhone.  Tap Settings (icon that looks like a gear), scroll down and tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars.  Tap Add Account and then select your email service, and add a name, your current email address and password.

iOS 7

Be sure to update your iPhone to the iOS 7 operating system.  Tap Settings, then tap General, then tap Software Update.  If your phone is not update to iOS 7.0.2, you will be instructed on how to update.

Specific Problems

The iPhone/iPad Troubleshooting session is held alternating Fridays from our class in the same room, Eureka 106, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  Drop in if you have some specific problems with your iPhone.

Looking forward to our next session, Friday, October 11, and until then....happy iPhoning,

Nancy Findeisen and the rest of the iPhone Team - Carol Dabrowiak, Rik Larson, Pac Polin, and Stan Todd