May 5, 2021 - using Zoom v5.6.4 on Macintosh on Catalina OS
Reference on how to share iPhone or iPad in a Zoom Meeting
Set iPad/iPhone Settings > Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock to Never (temporarily during Zoom meeting).
- For sharing via AirPlay, be sure your computer and iPhone/iPad are on the same wifi.
- You may have to “trust” your computer or device (after updates).
Before clicking Zoom Share Screen button
- Open Apple Camera to either Photo or Video mode.
- On your Mac computer click Share Screen > iPhone/iPad via AirPlay > Share.
- On iPhone at Camera app, swipe to reveal Control Center > Screen Mirroring > tap computer’s name. Tap off Screen Mirroring, tap off Control Screen to see Camera app.
- Rotate iPhone to landscape while in Apple Camera - confirm on Video mode.
- Place iPhone on rack/lift/ledge with iPad unlocked and showing some white details.
- Tap/Hold on Camera display to set focus and exposure with yellow box (on an edge).
- Move iPad to best position under camera lens.
- Move iPhone to best position (avoid blocking the camera lens).
- Pinch on Camera screen to zoom into iPad (some camera buttons will still be visible).
For document camera use - to show your hand using the iPad:
- Use Share Screen > iPhone/iPad AirPlay (do not plug in a cable to iPhone!)
- Open iPhone and Home Screens always show in portrait/vertical orientation. Do not freak-out.
- To see landscape/horizontal orientation open Apple Camera to Video mode to fill the screen. Other camera apps do not rotate the orientation even in AirPlay mode!
After Zoom meeting return to Settings > Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock to set your device sleep time.
Other apps that rotated to landscape view include Calendar, Books, Mail, Contacts, Calculator, Safari, Messages, Notes, Photos, Files. Maps - seems like if an app rotates then it will rotate in Zoom. But Apple Camera does not rotate if the iPhone is attached and sharing via a cable!
Zoom video tutorials are just a click away