Wednesday, April 21, 2021

iPad Basics Day 4 - Maps, Messages, Notes

Jennifer - Maps and Messages 

Here are my notes:

Maps and Messages for iPad

Look at Maps with your iPad in Landscape view position. Look at Maps with your iPad in Portrait view position. (If the Lock Display in Control Center is off the iPad will rotate views.) Buttons, labels and panels will move around. Touch every button! 

Most of us use our iPhones mainly for Maps, but don’t ignore the Maps app on your iPad. It’s better for planning than your phone, because of the bigger canvas. Play around, explore and practice and you’ll be adept for our normal future of real travel.

First, open Maps in Settings. You want to have Location turned on, either While Using the App (older iPad) or While Using the App or Widgets. You also want to have Precise Location turned on so you get good directions.

Open Maps. You can use it in either landscape or portrait mode. Your current location will be slightly right of the center of the map, a blue pulsing circle. If it’s not (or to return at any time to your location), click on the pointed arrow at the top right.

At the bottom right is the temperature and the Air Quality Index.

Tap the i with a circle around it at the top right. You can choose map settings: Map, Transit or Satellite. Traffic or not. With traffic on, when you look at the map, especially when planning a trip or route, on highways and streets you will see slowdowns in red, accidents, road construction and lane closures.

The top of the map is North by default. If you move around your map so it is not, a round compass will appear under the arrow. Tap on the compass to get North back on the top.

Use your two fingers to move around and drag the map. To zoom in or out, pinch in or out. It will show the scale along the top as you zoom. You can zoom really far out and see the entire country or even the whole world. To get back to your location, tap the arrow again.

Turn on Satellite and you will see 3D by the arrow. Tap on that. Rotate and move with your fingers to get closeup 3D looks. Use two fingers and rock up and down. Tap 2D to go back.

For directions, tap in the search bar at the top left and type the city or place where you want to go. The map will show it and offer you directions.  It tells you how many miles it is and gives estimated travel times if you were going right now. Just below are details about the place and you can add it to your Favorites. You can find your Favorites just under the search bar.

It often will give you several route choices, its preferred one in bright blue. Just tap on a light blue route if you want to consider that. You can also choose to have a route that avoids tolls and/or highways.

Be sure your home address is in your Contacts and is labeled as your home. Then when you want directions from some place to your home, the map app immediately knows where to go!

There are lots of things you can have fun searching for for: landmarks, parks, beaches, places you might want to visit, addresses or towns where you lived a long time ago, old addresses of your parents or even grandparents. 

When you search for a place especially a city, notice if it has a City Tour or Flyover. In some cities or places you will see a binocular symbol. Tap on that to get 360-degree views of a street or attraction.

New: There are guides from what Apple calls trusted brands and partners in this country and around the world. Just type Guides in the search bar at home or when you’re somewhere else or have open a different place where you want to go on a trip. You’ll get some choices of various attractions in that area. You can save them. Tap on a pick, then tap on Save Guide. You can also share these guides.

iMessages: Fun with Texting

You can text on your iPad not only with words, but also photos, videos, music and more. And you can have a lot of fun—and impress your grandchildren! Practice with a friend or relative. You can also send messages to yourself to practice.

There are two kinds of texting: iMessages are with another iPhone or iPad or Mac; you will see a blue message bubble. If you are texting with someone on another kind of phone, those are SMS and you will see a green bubble. If texting to a group and one person is non-Apple, it will be green. 

Blue texts are free and can be sent and received on your iPad. Everything you send or receive is encrypted. That means it is totally safe and no one but your recipient can see it. But green ones use your phone’s texting minutes (but most plans are unlimited these days) and are NOT encrypted. To use iMessage, turn it on in iPhone and iPad in Settings > Messages.

Remember your phone is controlling most text messages, particularly the green ones and you have to change some settings on your phone so green messages will go onto your iPad.

To get Green messages to show up on your iPad, in phone Settings > Messages, tap on Send and Receive Settings and add your emails and your phone number. Go down to Text Message Forwarding and list the devices you want to have send and receive green text messages i.e., iPad and also Mac. You also want to turn on Send as SMS.

Now back to your iPad:

You will notice in Messages, your previous messages are on the left and your most current one on the right (different than your phone). To send a message, open Messages and tap on the blue circle with the “pen” in the upper right. Enter a phone number or name. Or click on the blue circle with a plus and it will go to Contacts. Once you have one person, you can add more to this message with the blue plus sign. Once you have one person or a group, you can type or dictate a message in the box below and hit the blue or green arrow to send it.  If all your group members are on iPhones, no problem. If even one is not, the group might not work.

For a Quick Tapback to respond to a message, either double-tap or hold a message and get your choice of gray emojis (heart, thumbs up or down, etc.) above the message. Tap one and it goes. 

You can send an audio message. Tap on the gray circle in the message place. If you start typing instead, that gray box will turn into the blue send arrow.

SPECIAL EFFECTS in iMessage. Practice these!!!

Quick and Easy: If you type one of these three common messages in the box, it will be sent with special effects: Happy Birthday (balloons), Congratulations or Congrats (confetti) and Happy New Year (fireworks).

Send with Effect: To see these, you must first write your message (or even part of it). Then the mic in the message bubble will turn into a blue arrow. Press firmly on the blue arrow. NOTE: a quick tap will just send the message; you want to hold it down until you get the screen that says Send with effect.

  1. The Bubble screen gives you four choices to change how your message is received: Slam, Loud, Gentle and Invisible Ink. Try these out!
  2. The Screen screen gives you nine choices of special effects to go with your message (most have sound effects, too): Echo, Spotlight, Balloons, Confetti, Inflating Heart, Lasers, Fireworks, Shooting Star and Celebration. Try all of these. They are fun and recipients love them!

Photos. To the left of the iMessage space, slide over to the Camera. You can take a new picture. To use a current photo, look for the photo app icon down below. Also down below you will find various apps with things you can add to messages:

1. #images gives you tons of funny GIFs (tiny movies). You can search to get ones on specific topics (birthday, etc.) or featuring someone or something (Star Trek, Spongebob, snakes, cats, etc.).

2. Music. If you have music on your phone, it will give you some of your recently played songs. You can send them.

3. YouTube. You can send these in your messages.

Practice all of these with a relative or friend. They are great for birthdays and other special occasions.

How to delete messages: To delete an entire conversation with one or more contacts, swipe left and tap on the trash can (this is different than on your phone). To delete just one or more individual messages, press down on the message itself. You will see More… in a bottom bubble. Tap that and you can then check any messages you don’t want and hit Delete All in the top left.

Pinning people/groups. This is new in iOS14 and lets you keep your more important or frequent people at the top of the message list. You can only pin nine conversations (individuals or groups). Press down on a message from the individual or group you wish to pin and you’ll see the pin option. To remove one from the top, press down on their icon and you’ll see unpin.

Barbara - Tips - Screenshots 
  • Apple Pencil - draw from lower corner to center of screen to bring up snapshot with Markup ready to draw
  • When you make a screenshot of a website open it and then look at the top of the screen for Full Page - will save as a PDF. 
  • Screenshots are automatically collected in the Photos  > Media Types > Screenshots

Carol shared the Notes app Icon looks like a legal pad with yellow stripe at the top.
  • Left side panel shows created notes
  • Add new Note with square with pen in top right corner of the screen
  • First line is bold heading
  • Type text below
  • Double arrow button closes the left panel for full screen typing
  • Add new note for List - tap circle with checkmark to make list with empty circles. This is a great way to track packing for traveling
Share a Note with others to view only or also allow editing 
  • Tap ( ... ) > tap Share Note and choose how to send as email or Message 
  • On the left panel you will see an icon showing a Note is shared
Markup to draw with
  • Ruler position can change by touching two fingers then tap pen to draw straight line
  • Apple Pencil can be used to draw and write words!

Add a photo or a document scan
  • New Note page > click Camera icon at top right
  • Take a photo with Camera
  • Scan a Document
  • Move circles to corners if needed
  • Tap Keep Scan in lower right corner
  • Tap Save
  • To print your scan, tap the image, tap the Share button > Print
  • Search the text captured in your document - it works! Awesome hidden feature!
Search text in past notes with the left panel

Pin a Note to stay at the top of the panel on the left
  • Swipe from left to right in the left panel and tap the Pin icon
  • UnPin with Swipe from left to right
  • Settings > Apple ID (your name) > iCloud > Notes > ON
  • Settings > Notes > Sort by Date Edited/Date Created/Title - choose one
  • Settings > Notes > New Notes Start With > Title
  • Explore other options here!
Organize notes 
Notes can be organized in Folders; in the top left corner tap the word Folders (or box icon) to see a list. Best to keep all notes stored in iCloud and add subfolders as desired 

Protect information 
Notes can be Locked tap ( … ) and find the Lock button. Set a password - use the same passcode that unlocks your iPad. 

Email from Notes page
Notes is a great place to draft email messages. In Notes you can save your list of participants with email addresses. First, create a Note page with the first line (as a headline) that you want as the Subject Line of your emails. (Book Club - Spring 2021) Add two Returns and then begin typing the draft email message. At the bottom of your message add all the email addresses you'll copy to the BCC field of your message. Review everything and send when ready.