Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Digital Life

At our last meeting this semester we talk about iCloud - photos, files and history. And as you read on you will ask yourself "Who is she to butt into my personal life?" Someone who's been down this path.

Over the weekend, enjoying time to read favorite photographers websites and blogs I ran across Managing The Elderly's Numeric Life shared by Numeric Citizen Blog. He reminded me of the unwinding of my parent's digital life.

In updating my personal trust last year the attorney asked this question: "Who will review your digital life - your online accounts, archive the important content and close the accounts?"

I'm recommending that you take a proactive stance in tracking your digital life and think about when you designate powers of attorney for health care, finances, you also designate an overseer of digital assets. Providing a roadmap is easier on them than forcing them to be a digital archeologist.

How are you organizing and prioritizing your online life? What accounts do you have? What have you subscribed to? Photos - What do you want shared, saved, discarded? Have you had this conversation with family and friends? How might you approach tracking your digital life so you can hand it off to the right person?