News Flash!
We will be using this website once again for both the iPhone Basics and iPad Basics classes this fall semester.
Please note that the Renaissance Fall Catalog did NOT include the dates for these two seminars. For the first time, these will NOT overlap, but will follow one another. So you can take both if you want! Each one will last six sessions and both will be in Eureka 106. On the week between the two classes, Oct. 16, there will be a special session in that room to answer questions, try to solve problems and explain some of the differences between iPhones and iPads.
iPhone Basics will be Sept. 4 through Oct. 9.
iPad Basics will be Oct. 23 through Dec. 4.
Registration is required for both classes. You will find the registration links on the iTopics page (the noon class) or here.
More information will be here closer to the class dates.