I sent an email hoping to help a wannabe iPhone user after we talked on the phone. No response yet on whether she's explored the provided links, but by posting this info to you all, it will be easier to share with the next wannabe:
Kay - good to talk with you today about RS classes for iPhone and iPad users. I’d like to make a few suggestions about where to find help since the iPhone/iPad Basics team is taking a semester (or more) off.
The public website for iOS Basics is still available and is best viewed on an iPad or computer. (This website!)
On the right sidebar you will see links going back to 2013! The most recent posts are on the Home page and include a new find - Ellen’s iOS Tips - For Mature Adults. The Resources page has many other links to information resources. A local support source is the Sacramento Apple User Group - MacNexus and you would get personal attention from The All Things Apple Class is on the third Saturday of each month on Zoom at 9:00 am. The format is class members bring questions and instructors teach and solve problems. The instructors are Karen Downs, Zulay Frost and Richard Applebaum.
Please, go to the Basics site and explore - take it in small doses, there is a lot of history there. Use the Search to find past topics and notes.
Find a couple friends with iPhones/iPads and set aside time to meet, eat, explore and learn together. Use the Basics site as a starting point, or attend Sessions at the Apple Store or watch YouTube videos and then play or download the Libby app for Sac Public Library access to online course from Linked-In. Like my scuba diving instructor always warned: “Don’t dive alone!” and this is great advice for learning about iPhones too - invite friends on the journey with you.
One of my favorite conversations from the iPad Basics class on campus was with Eva. She faithfully attended all the classes on Friday mornings and then on Saturday, met her friends at Burger King for lunch and repeated the lessons she just learned. For me, she was attentive, engaged, shared new info with friends and was practicing what she learned in class. Wow.
Recommended apps for your iPhone and iPad - click the link to open the Apps app directly to these convenient resources
Support - https://apps.apple.com/app/id1130498044
Apple Store - Sessions tab for workshops, attend the same session over - ask your questions!, assert yourself https://apps.apple.com/app/id375380948
Tips - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tips/id1069509450
You might not replace your iPhone as often as I do (every 24-30 months) but next time consider purchasing AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss coverage. Since the iPhone is a mobile device the chances of dropping or losing it or having it stolen is real. You can also call them for HELP and a walk through when other resources are not available. Read more at https://www.apple.com/support/products/iphone/
Your Apple ID username and password are critical to remember. They open all resources at Apple.
As I mentioned, Tom might offer an iPhone/iPad Pop-Up session over Zoom this semester. Read the Wednesday email blast to see when and how to participate. I would not expect the session to be recorded, again, we use/demonstrate using our personal devices. If you know Tom, reach out and suggest this would be a good topic for members.
Feel free to share this email with your iOS friends -- Melissa